
Does terror profiling work?

We’ve all heard the phrase “flying while Muslim”,  a reality that underscores the sorry state of affairs in Western societies in the post 9/11 period.  Muslims are disproportionately singled out for special attention at airports and elsewhere.  The genuine concern over terrorism, which is real and not some state-driven campaign to garner support, has given […]


The cowardly murder of a Canadian in the Philippines

We learned today (April 25) that a Canadian citizen, John Ridsdel, was killed by a terrorist group that had been holding him and three others, including another Canadian, a Norwegian and a Filippino, hostage since last September.  The extremist organisation, Abu Sayyaf, had made several demands for ransom and appears to have beheaded Mr.Ridsdel when […]


What does the list of 22,000 IS members mean?

Intelligence is usually a plodding business.  Not that it is not exciting – quite the contrary! – but that it takes time to gather information, process it, analyse it, figure out what gaps remain, and then go out and get more.  Rarely do you paint a complete picture, regardless of how good and diverse your […]


Who should we worry about more: Saudi Arabia or Iran?

I bet some of you are wondering why this blog post is being written, in light of the title.  Surely, you are probably saying, there is no contest.  Iran meddles in the affairs of other countries, supports terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizballah and is trying to acquire nuclear weapons.  And then there is that […]


Cowardly lions?

Whenever a terrorist attack happens and innocent lives are lost we get a typical litany of accusations.  The attackers were evil. Their act was heinous.  They are inhuman.  Sometimes the terrorists are called cowards. Contrast this with how the terrorists refer to themselves.  Mujahideen.  Jaysh al Islam (Army of Islam).  Ansar Muhammad (companions of the […]


May 1, 2004: Unreported bombing in Laos

On May 1, 2004 one person was killed and three others were injured when a previously unreported bomb exploded at a bus stop in southern Laos.


April 27, 2011: Afghan air force pilot attacks US soldiers in Afghanistan

On April 27, 2001 the Taliban claimed an attack by an Afghan air force pilot in which eight US troops and a US contractor were killed.


March 19, 1988: British corporals executed in Northern Ireland

On March 19, 1988 the IRA killed two British corporals in Belfast whom they mistook for Irish Loyalists.


March 5, 2012: ISI massacres police officers in Iraq

On March 5, 2012 20 police officers in western Iraq were killed by dozens of ISI gunmen masquerading as black-clad SWAT teams


March 4, 2009: Bombing kills Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan

On March 4, 2009 three Canadian soldiers were killed and two injured by an IED in southern Afghanistan.