On this day in 2017, attackers bombed a mosque in the town of Bir al-Abed in North Sinai before opening fire on fleeing worshipers.
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How dangerous do you think terrorism is? How often do you think about it? Do you worry about attacks where you live? Have you witnessed an attack or, heaven forbid, been the victim of one? The answer you provide will depend crucially on where you live. If you are a citizen of many parts of […]
Podcast 3#: W(h)ither Islamic State?
There have been a lot of very good analytic pieces on Islamic State of late, especially in the wake of US President Trump’s Tweet “we have won against ISIS; we’ve beaten them, and we’ve beaten them badly”. Here are links to a few: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/01/17/its-not-just-isis-many-terrorist-groups-have-been-declared-dead-only-rise-again/?utm_term=.dab4f12cf0b8 https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/tracking-jihadist-movements-2019-islamic-state https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/islamic-state-terrorism-extremism-eyes-southeast-asia-11199586 https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/1577356/pentagon-isis-syria-could-regroup-6-months https://www.thedailybeast.com/isis-smuggler-sleeper-cells-and-undead-suicide-bombers-have-infiltrated-europe?ref=home The US office of the Director of […]
When we think of terrorism and terrorists our minds usually turn to men, and for good reason. It is an undeniable fact that most terrorists are men. Full stop. Whether this has anything to do with testosterone or men seeking to establish themselves in the world or whatever all remain interesting questions but irrespective of […]
Why does Islamic State hate us?
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks one of the most often asked questions amongst Americans (and many others) was: why? Why were we attacked? Why did so many innocent people have to die? Why did we deserve such a catastrophe? Why do they HATE us? The answers to those questions were spread all over […]
The reach of Islamic State
I have gone on record several times to state that Islamic State (IS) does not pose an existential threat to anybody. It can certainly cause havoc and mayhem and destruction but there is no way that this motley crew of extremists is ever going to threaten the world. Yes, it has a state – sort […]
On November 14, 2012 ISI planted three bombs simultaneously in Kirkuk, killing at least five people in one of several violent incidents on the Islamic new year
Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar have so far turned a blind eye to mounting sectarian sentiment in Pakistan against Shiites and Ahmadis.
On this day in 2014, an 18-year old Australian ISIS wannabe stabbed two Melbourne police officers days after the terrorist group called on followers to do so.
China is involved in what can only be called a ‘genocide’ against Uyghur Muslims. Former CSIS Analyst Phil Gurski weighs in on why the world’s Muslims leaders remain silent.