Podcast Spies Like Us

CIA says “NO foreign intel collection for Canada? No way!”

Spies Like Us Season 2 Episode 27: Maybe an allied agency advice on a foreign intelligence should be listened to The guys are joined by ex-CIA analyst Dave Gioe to talk about why Canada needs a foreign intelligence (HUMINT) agency and how we would go about it (and the guys give a solid two thumbs up […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Are UAE actions in Africa helpful?

Episode 263 – The UAE is punching well above its weight in counter-terrorism, but to what end? The UAE is perhaps best known for its financial strength and glittering skyscrapers, including the Burj Al Khalifa, currently the tallest structure in the world. It is not generally known for its diplomacy or, more worryingly, counter terrorism […]


The Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance Should Remain Intact

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on February 16, 2025. When I was in late elementary school, I realized I could not see the blackboard very well. Reluctantly, I accepted that I needed to have my eyesight tested. Sure enough, I was nearsighted (myopic) and got glasses. I am not sure if […]


Foreign Interference Inquiry Failed to Deliver an Honest Assessment of the Situation

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on February 7, 2025. We in Canada like to say that we have a national sport—hockey (it’s ice hockey, but no one says that here because we all know what we are talking about). Some may say lacrosse is our national sport, but I want to […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Ask no questions tell no lies…ah go ahead and ask!

Season 2 Episode 26 The guys have yet another Q&A episode talking about economic security, whether President Trump is a Russian asset or agent, and learn that ‘Larry from the US’ listens to us!


Can Canada and its allies still trust the US with intelligence?  In a word, no

Intelligence alliances are not the run-of-the-mill ventures.  When it comes to sensitive information, be that signals (SIGINT), human (HUMINT) or imagery (IMINT), the sources and methods used dictate care in how and with whom this data is shared.  If protocols and security guarantees are not in place this information can go missing, go where it […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Just how bad is the terrorism problem in the UK?

Episode 262 – Why is the UK so threatened by jihadis? The UK has always been a close ally of us here in Canada, no more so than on the intelligence front. So much is shared and this enables both countries to ensure their safety. But when it comes to threat levels, the UK is […]

Podcast Quick Hits

How much of a threat does the US pivot towards Russia pose to the West?

Episode 261 – Is anyone else weirded out by Trump’s embrace of Russia? The Cold War may seem like a historic artifact to many these days but the threat from Russia, much like the threat from the former Soviet Union and its allies, is growing once again (if it ever really diminished). One would think […]


What Is Chinese AI Deeply Seeking to Accomplish?

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on February 2, 2025. If you follow the headlines regularly you would have to conclude that China is making advancements on several key technological fronts: electric vehicles,wind turbines,lithium batteries, and rare minerals needed for industries at the forefront of the war on climate change. To this […]


Does Calling Drug Cartels ‘Terrorists’ Help? Hint: no

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on January 23, 2025. Some people may be surprised to learn that the word “terrorism” is not that old. Oh sure, we had the Reign of Terror in France in the late 1790s, but the common use of the concept really only dates to the middle […]