In a world where everyone is spying on everyone else you would think that having a trained, competent foreign intelligence agency is a given – not in Canada

In a world where everyone is spying on everyone else you would think that having a trained, competent foreign intelligence agency is a given – not in Canada
Terrorist group profiles The purpose of this briefing series is to inform readers on the basics of little-known terrorist groups. Information will be gathered from reputable sources and include the nature of the group’s ideology, its area of activity, strength (if known) and a list of recent (within the last five years) actions. Borealis hopes […]
It is one thing to recognise when injustices are done and those wrongly accused should be compensated. But millions to those who publicly express extremism?
It is often painful to wait for more information to come in before making up one’s mind, but when it comes to terrorism it is crucial to do so
International causes make strange bedfellows, but the speed with which left-wingers adopted Hamas rhetoric will prove to be counterproductive
Sweden’s reputation as a safe country of blond, fit people has been taking a hit of late: what is going on?
Jihadis who plan attacks over the holiday season clearly have missed the message behind Christmas. Bah humbug!
Condemning someone for what they did decades ago based on what they knew then does not make a lot of sense
Calling for a ceasefire in Gaza has merit but we must also recognise there would be no war in the first place if Hamas were not there
Some in Canada think that those who joined ISIS are ‘victims’ who need to be ‘rescued’. How do real victims, i.e. Yazidis, feel about this?