
We do not benefit from the whitewashing of terrorism

Looking back at a terrorist plot 15 years later only to force it through the filter of ‘racism’ is just plain wrong and unhelpful.

Quick Hits

When it come to Islamophobia who is actually behind it?

Canada appoints an Islamophobia ‘czar’, convinced that it is all too ‘prevalent’. But who are the real Islamophobes? Spoiler alert: not who you may think.

Quick Hits

The courts and terrorism: what role is most ‘judicious’

What role should our courts play in counter terrorism? Are there court cases in which there are frivolous accusations as to who is behind terrorism?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Reporting from the front lines of danger: journalism in dodgy places

Journalists reporting from zones where terrorism is rampant are an important source of information: a conversation with a BBC reporter.


How to prevent real terrorism threats in Canada

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, so they say. Does this describe the UK’s Prevent counter terrorism programme?


China’s supposed fight against terrorism a lesson in how not to fight terrorism

You would think that doing something to combat terrorism but only creates more terrorism would make you stop doing that, right? Tell China.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why is Africa so beset with terrorism?

Africa seems to have become the epicentre for jihadi terrorism of late: what led to that unenviable status?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is the UK Prevent strategy broken?

Prevent is part of the UK’s CVE – countering violent extremism – strategy. Has it come off the rails?


Who are the real Islamophobes? Jihadis, that’s who

Why is it that jihadis, who are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims worldwide are not called ‘Islamophobes’?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Policing in Canada – an overview

Policing is a complicated profession and constantly open to criticism, often by those with no policing background. Borealis talks to someone who knows his stuff