Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Whither Syria after the Assads?

Episode 247 – Is it time to yet to celebrate a new beginning in Syria? Any time a brutal dictator is ousted is a good day for the world as there are far too many still in power in the world. The Assads, father and son, were particularly inhumane, using, among other tools, chemical weapons […]

Podcast Quick Hits

Democracies of the world unite!

Episode 253 – The West needs to stand up more to autocracy The world is in a terrible mess right now. Autocracies like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and others are running roughshod over human rights and international norms. All this has huge implications for national – and international – security. The democracies on […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Finding an assassin’s gun? Cool!

Episode 246 – The gun that killed Thomas Darcy McGee, father of Canadian Confederation There are undoubtedly many artifacts of historical importance that have gone missing, and the discovery of such is a meaningful event. The fact that the gun believed to have killed a leading Canadian politician shortly after the country’s independence went missing […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Beware honey pots, even if you are Winnie the Pooh

Season 2 Episode 14 (alternative link) The guys weigh in on partisan politics when it comes to national security, why it is important to vet contacts and why Xi Jinping uses honeypots (aside from the fact that he does look like Winnie the Pooh with a jar on his head).


Southport Stabbing Spree: Good Intel Comes to Those Who Wait

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on November 5, 2024. As many have noted, we live in a world of instant information. Thanks to the internet and social media, we can learn about what is happening in real time. Images are shared as events are unfolding, and anyone with a cellphone can […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Are we seeing a shift in how people radicalise? Not necessarily…

Episode 245 – Is jihad hip and cool? If there is one thing that is consistent it is the tendency of youth to piss off their parents. They engage in activities that make the older generation pull their hair out. Do young people join terrorist groups for similar reasons? Is the Internet a game-changer? Borealis […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

Borderline insane

Season 2 Episode 13 The guys are back as a trio once again to talk all things Canada-US border: terrorist threats, drugs and whether the US has to call 9-1-1 on us. Canada yielding 87% of terror suspects stopped at US border crossings | National Post About Spies Like Us In this weekly podcast Neil […]


Demonstrating in Support of Hamas on Anniversary of Israel Attack Constitutes Supporting Terrorism

This piece first appeared in The Epoch Times Canada on October 6, 2024. Imagine the following scenario. A group of people who are angry at U.S. foreign policy and the government’s continued meddling in the Middle East decide to host a series of mass demonstrations across the United States, and even around the world, to […]

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Remembering the FLQ crisis in Canada

Episode 244 – When French Canadian separatists terrorised Quebec We in Canada brag about being the ‘peaceable kingdom’ (as it turns out the title of my latest book on terrorism!). But not that long ago, a group of Quebecers, seeking independence for the province from Canada, engaged in a bombing campaign for years that culminated […]

Podcast Spies Like Us

The hunt for Red…November

Spies Like Us Season 2 Episode 12 Neil-less Al and Phil weigh in on what makes a good national security advisor, what are the disadvantages of information blackouts when it comes to public safety, and are screen doors a good idea on a submarine? About Spies Like Us In this weekly podcast Neil (Bisson), Al […]