Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What to do with terrorist mass murderers behind bars?

Episode 132 – Borealis talks once again with Norwegian CT analyst Atle Mesoy on the infamous Anders Breivik case from 2011.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The challenge of running a large domestic security intelligence operation

Episode 131 – Borealis talks to former senior CSIS IO Dan Faughnan.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Should Canada bring back ISIS fighters for prosecution here?

Episode 130 – Borealis has a conversation with Dr. Alexandra Bain, a religious studies prof at St Thomas University in New Brunswick.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why ‘follow the money’ applies to terrorism too

Episode 129 – Phil talks with one of Canada’s leading money laundering/terrorist financing gurus Kim Manchester

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are incels really a threat to national security?

Episode 128 – Borealis chats once again with the world’s premiere authority on these people, the Incel Project founder Naama Kates

Quick Hits

Terrorism: Canadian Style Eh!

The “Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa have made international headlines and even spawned similar actions abroad. Some have called it “terrorism”. Is it really?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What was it like to work as a spy in Canada?

Episode 127 – Movies about spies are a dime a dozen – think James Bond. But what is working in intelligence really like?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is it time to revisit the mental illness/terrorism nexus?

Episode 126 – Research has shown that most terrorists are as ‘normal’ as you or me.  But are they?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What should Canada do with Saudi Arabia?

Episode 125 – Three years ago a Saudi ‘Tiger Team’ tried to assassinate a high-ranking former intel official now living in Canada. What should Canada do now? Borealis is rejoined by former CSIS agent Al Treddenick to discuss this.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Policing a capital city during a major demonstration

Episode 124 – As Ottawa is still dealing with an anti-vaccine mandate trucking convoy, Borealis talks to former Ottawa Chief of Police Charles Bordeleau.