Quick Hits

Way too many things are being called terrorism today

Quick Hits 181 – Why was Ethan Crumbley charged with terrorism in Oxford shooting?

Quick Hits

Those that can become practitioners, those that don’t…

Quick Hits 180 – Carleton criminology department cuts ties with police and prisons

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Mark Ericson – The importance of alliances in intelligence sharing

Episode 115 – Phil talks with NSA veteran linguist Mark Ericson on these matters.

Quick Hits

It turns out Canada cannot prosecute returning foreign fighters

Quick Hits 179 – Canadian woman freed from ISIS detention camp reunites with daughter in Canada

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Former FBI Brig Barker – Counter terrorism at the coalface

Episode 114 – Borealis talks with veteran FBI agent Brig Barker about his years helping to prevent terrorist attacks.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Mike King – What is CVE and what does it actually do?

Episode 113 – What is the world of CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) all about? What is the reality of all this?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Ahmed Patel – Why are many Muslims in denial over Islamist terrorism?

Episode 112 – Phil is joined by UK activist and Sufi Muslim Ahmed Patel, brother-in-law of the London 7/7 bomber.

Quick Hits Video

Repeat after me: Satan-worshiping pedophile cannibals are not ruling the world!

Quick Hits 178 – How serious are conspiracy theories? Borealis looks at the infamous ‘Q’ of QAnon to delve into this issue.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

An award-winning journalist’s take on the Middle East, Asia and terrorism

Episode 111 – Borealis has a great talk with James Dorsey, senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University

Quick Hits Video

What is working on counter terrorism really like?

Quick Hits 177 – A former insider’s perspective on how counter-terrorism actually works