PAKTIA PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN – Are the Taliban capable of doing anything BUT terrorism?
As I type these words the Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan have just ended a three-day ‘ceasefire’ that corresponded with the Muslim festival of Eid Al Fitr, marking the end of the month of Ramadhan. These violent extremists, who see themselves as the prototypical Muslims, felt (I guess) that a few days of NOT killing men, women and children was a good Islamic thing to do.
But, as die-hard terrorists, they returned to what they do best – terrorism. I am frankly getting tired of reading these wankers described as ‘insurgents’, or ‘militias’ or ‘fill-in-the-blanks’. Repeat after me: the Taliban are TERRORISTS. And as terrorists they seek to destroy whatever does not comply with their pre-Cambrian view of what is Islamic and what is not.

The sheer variety of targets for the Taliban’s form of ‘Islam’ is impossible to summarise in a short post. Nevertheless, today’s featured attack is all too typical.
On this day in 2011
The Taliban ambushed an Afghan construction crew working on a road project in southeastern Afghanistan, leaving at least 35 dead security guards, laborers and engineers scattered in the mountainous terrain. Of the 80 workers and guards at the construction camp, only eight are known to have escaped unharmed.
It was a tragic incident. It was really an unprecedented attack on road construction crew members.
Spokesman for the Paktia governor’s office
This was NOT a ‘tragic incident’. It was a TERRORIST ATTACK carried out by a bunch of primeval Islamist terrorists who targeted a ROAD BUILDING CREW for God’s sake!
The quicker we name terrorism what it is and stop using euphemisms the closer we may get to a ‘solution’.
Just sayin’.
Read More Today in Terrorism
May 31, 1906: Spanish anarchist bombs royal wedding
On May 31, 1906 a Spanish anarchist threw a bomb hoping to hit King Alfonso XIII, killing 24 and wounding more than 100.
May 30, 2009: Anti-government group bombs TV station in Ecuador
On May 30, 2009 two pamphlet-bombs exploded outside an Ecuadorian TV station and ministry: no victims or significant damage ensued.
May 29, 2016: ISIS uses chlorine gas in terrorist attack
On May 29, 2016 35 civilians were wounded in an ISIS attack using rockets containing chlorine gas in Iraq’s Nineveh Province.
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