Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Russia and the Taliban getting together, really?

The old phrase ‘once burned twice shy’ does not seem to apply when it comes to Russia and Afghanistan: why would the former want to jump back in to the Central Asian nation?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Just how bad are Afghan women faring under the Taliban?

Jihadis are misogynist at the best of times but the Taliban take the cake. How are Afghan women coping with these extremists back in power?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Afghanistan under the Taliban (again!): what are our concerns?

Afghanistan is now again under the medieval reign of the Taliban: what does this mean for the country and the region?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Afghanistan under the Taliban: more terrorism?

Afghanistan has been in a lot of trouble for a very long time and now the Taliban are back in power. How much worse can things get?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Taliban true to form in their approach to women’s rights and terrorism in Afghanistan

The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan – again! – bodes ill both for regional and international terrorism and for women’s and girls’ rights


April 3, 2013: Taliban suicide attack on Afghan courthouse

On April 3, 2013 Taliban suicide bombers killed themselves and 44 others in an attack on a courtroom to free 10 of their comrades on trial.


January 4, 2016: Taliban attack wounds children in Afghanistan

On January 4, 2016 Afghan Taliban terrorists launched a truck bomb attack on a compound near Kabul airport wounding 30, including nine children.


December 15, 2012: Taliban carries out an attack on Pakistani airport

On December 15, 2012 the Pakistani Taliban launched a rocket attack on Peshawar’s Bacha Khan airport killing four and injuring another 30.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Destiny: Taliban takeover, incels, NZ attack and capitol riots

Listen to my 5th discussion with popular live-streamer Destiny (Steven Bonnell).

Quick Hits

When Afghanistan fell to the Taliban

Quick Hits 171 – What we know and what’s next for Afghanistan