TROLLHATTAN, SWEDEN – Isn’t it sad how differences in skin colour can lead to acts of hate?
Do you know why humans come in all different colours? The Bible tells us that the three sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, all went off in their own directions after the flood subsided and that the subsequent separations created the circumstances that accommodated the physical variations of the human family.
This of course is a myth. So what does science tell us? Well, there are clearly overt signs that we are not all the same colour, but this has no basis in genetics. In other words, ‘race‘ is not real even if it is ‘real’. Confused?

Alas this lack of significant logical argument has had little to no effect on how the gamut of races has been treated historically. Slavery. Genocide. Social inequality. The list of ways in which one group of humans can justify killing another is depressingly long.
This applies to some terrorist groups as well. Especially right-wing extremists (RWE).
On this day in 2015
A masked man armed with a sword killed a pupil and a teacher at a school in the Swedish town of Trollhattan. He had even posed for a picture with his victims before he lashed out. The 21-year old Trollhattan resident injured two more (another pupil and teacher) before he was shot and killed by police.
A subsequent investigation uncovered social media links to Hitler and Nazi Germany: he appeared to be wearing a black trench coat and a helmet resembling those worn by German troops in WWII. The killer, Anton Lundin Petterson, left behind a ‘suicide note’ in which he outlined his intentions. He had also recently signed up to a campaign by the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats for a referendum to halt refugees coming to Sweden.
You’re scaring the children, you can go.
Said by a teacher before he was stabbed
Immigration is always a controversial topic with legitimate positions on all sides of the issue. Killing people based on their skin tone is not.
Read More Today in Terrorism
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On May 31, 1906 a Spanish anarchist threw a bomb hoping to hit King Alfonso XIII, killing 24 and wounding more than 100.
May 30, 2009: Anti-government group bombs TV station in Ecuador
On May 30, 2009 two pamphlet-bombs exploded outside an Ecuadorian TV station and ministry: no victims or significant damage ensued.
May 29, 2016: ISIS uses chlorine gas in terrorist attack
On May 29, 2016 35 civilians were wounded in an ISIS attack using rockets containing chlorine gas in Iraq’s Nineveh Province.