
Homegrown Terrorists: Canada Must Take the Jihadi Threat More Seriously

Jihadi terrorism remains by far the greatest scourge globally and Canada is not immune from it. We need to stop being in denial

Quick Hits

We all need to condemn Jewish terrorism as we do jihadism

Terrorism analysis demands consistency and accuracy across the board: this entails the need to talk about Jewish terrorism in Israel

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Anti-Semitism: hate or terrorism?

The rise in pro-Palestinian demos has skirted the anti-Semitism line: has it crossed into terrorist activity?

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

How bad has anti-Semitism in Canada that it is driving Jews away?

Anti-Semitism is getting so dangerous in Canada that we are starting to lose some very talented people who no longer feel safe here


It is about time Canadian ISIS members were charged! 

Canada has failed miserably when it comes to laying charges on ISIS returnees: maybe that is about to change


Security Shouldn’t Be Neglected as Canada Accepts More Refugees

A smart country is one which is open to immigration but which vets potential newcomers for security threats. Is Canada a smart country?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

How bad has anti-Semitism gotten in Canada?

Criticism of a state over its acts is an acceptable form of protest: what happens when that state is Israel and opposition turns to anti-Semitism?


The Time to Call Anti-Semitism Terrorism Is Well Past Due

The vile practice of anti-Semitism has been around for millennia: when does it cross the line into acts of terrorism?


Why the Disturbing Silence on Jihadi Violence Against Those Who Do Not Share Their Religious Worldview?

Woke and political correctness cultures prevent us from talking honestly about the single greatest terrorism threat globally: that carried out by jihadis


After the Inquiry, Will Anyone Take Responsibility for Allowing Foreign Interference in Elections?

It is expected that those responsible for errors admit their mistakes and take ownership: not this government when it comes to PRC interference in Canada