
October 28, 2013: Tiananmen Square attack in Beijing

Two Uyghur terrorist groups claimed a vehicle attack in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in October 2013 in which two were killed.


October 25, 2009: Car bombs in Baghdad

Two car bombs exploded near the Green Zone in Baghdad in October 2009 killing more than 100 people and wounding more than 500


Rescue Me – Crime Prevention

Rescue me, founded in 2011, is a non-profit organization established by two sisters as a means of crime prevention and countering violent extremism.


January 15, 2008 | Explosion targeting US personnel in Lebanon

On this day in 2008 a bomb exploded next to a US Embassy vehicle on a coastal road in Beirut, killing at least three motorists.


Pre-terrorism can at times be identified more easily than you may think

My wife and I are quite taken by British programming. We have watched Midsomer Murders – all 19 seasons we have access to – at least twice and other similar series on Netflix and Acorn TV. We are currently making our way through George Gently, starring Martin Shaw (and Lee Ingleby, who also played Stan […]


What mass shootings and terrorist acts have in common

We have witnessed in recent weeks a depressingly long list of mass shootings in the US. El Paso, Texas. Dayton, Ohio. Gilroy, California (at a garlic festival). Events of this nature are occurring, or so it seems, with alarming frequency. It is best not to extrapolate from single or even multiple events to posit a […]


Why it is important to not think that terrorist ‘profiles’ abroad apply here

We all get a feeling of deja vu at times, don’t we? You’ll see something and remark that you definitely seen it before. Sometimes it is a little spooky while at others it is more mundane. Today’s blog is about the latter. The MacDonald Laurier Institute, a Canadian thinktank, has just published a paper by […]


Tit for tat terrorism

Of all the analysis on the terrorist attack in New Zealand which an Australian white supremacist slaughtered 50 innocent Muslims at prayer, including a three-year old boy, what has surfaced on occasion is the fear that this incident will inspire others to carry out similar heinous acts of violence: copy cat crimes if you will. […]


Getting better at mass transit security

Is there anything more aggravating than meandering slowly through a security line at an airport?  We’ve all been there and we all hate it.  People have missed flights because they were delayed at checkpoints and we have all suffered insults to our ‘dignity’ because of the need to comply with security demands (Who left liquids […]


Contrary to accepted wisdom, terrorism CAN be detected early enough to prevent

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on July 30, 2018 In the wake of an attack, whether it be terrorist in nature or a mass shooting/stabbing/vehicle ramming incident, we often read comments and statements such as the following: no one saw this coming it was completely unpredictable (and by extension unpreventable) who would have […]