
A really daft suggestion: sending IS prisoners to Guantanamo

I recently wrote a blog in which I stated that doing stupid shit in the ill-named ‘war on terror’ is a bad idea that will result in worse problems down the road. The examples I provided on that occasion included the Iraqi Shia-dominant regime campaign of revenge against the Sunni population accused of helping Islamic […]


How the decision to go to war made the ‘War on Terrorism’ worse

A little less than a month ago we marked (‘celebrated’ is definitely the wrong word) the centenary of the end of the First World War.  This was a solemn occasion on which we recalled the deaths, injuries and destruction in not only the ‘Great War’ but also in WWII, the Korean War and others.  It […]


The new US counter terrorism plan may be counterproductive

As the nation that suffered the catastrophic terrorist attacks on 9/11 it is of surprise to no one that the US has had ‘terrorism on the brain’ since that time. Any country that had so many of its citizens brazenly killed by a terrorist group would want to see the perpetrators – or rather in this […]


The new US counter terrorism plan may be counterproductive

As the nation that suffered the catastrophic terrorist attacks on 9/11 it is of surprise to no one that the US has had ‘terrorism on the brain’ since that time.  Any country that had so many of its citizens brazenly killed by a terrorist group would want to see the perpetrators – or rather in […]


Some airstrikes should be labelled war crimes

I am trying very hard not to sound like a broken record (maybe it is time to update that analogy: like a CD that skips – or does no one besides me listen to CDs anymore?) but a recent news item has me very angry and makes me have to talk – once again – […]


Yes, Iran can be a victim of terrorism too

Word association test time!   Quick, what is the first thing that comes into mind when I give you the word…..Iran.  Rogue state?  Terrorist sponsor?  Religious fanaticism?  How about terrorist victim? Wait, what?  Iran as a victim and not a sponsor of terrorism? No, that can’t be!  You must have your facts wrong or you must […]


Why we should treat returning foreign fighters as criminals

Imagine the following scenario.  There is a person who comes from a good home, not necessarily privileged perhaps, but who ‘has it good’.  Despite this advantage in life  – let’s face it, many people don’t have it so good – this person becomes bored.  In their boredom, this person hooks up with a gang that […]


The problem with terrorism ‘expertise’

Like most people I had a fascination with dinosaurs when I was a kid.  I had plastic dinosaurs and books on these grand behemoths.  I loved movies about them, even if they were really bad 1960s sci-fi ones that were as inaccurate as possible.  In my 20s I began to read more recent books on […]


Social media and the fear of terrorism

This week I was very fortunate to be on a panel this week sponsored by the National Capital (Ottawa) branch of the Canadian International Council (CIC) with Ben Rowswell and Dr. Stephanie Carvin of Carleton University entitled ‘From Blogs to Books to Software’.  Mr. Rowswell gave an outstanding talk on how social media is changing […]


Should Canada repatriate our citizens who joined IS? Nope

In the wake of the Omar Khadr $10.5 million payout furour another potential point of divisiveness among Canadians has hit the proverbial fan.  There are reports coming out of Iraq, yet to be confirmed, that two Canadian women have been captured in the rubble that is now Mosul and that they had been part of […]