
Has Israel joined the ‘terrorist state’ list?

If Israel can have a terrorist as its national security minister does this make it a ‘terrorist state’? Hmmm, an interesting question.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – October 10-16, 2022

Thought of the week – Enough with the ‘war on terrorism’! Humans have a nasty tendency to declare war on things. Drugs. Poverty. Teenage pregnancy. The list goes on and on and on… And, lest we forget, the War on Terrorism that came into vogue after 9/11. Except that, unlike the war on poverty, say, […]


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW): October 3-9, 2022

Global Terrorism This Week: October 3-9, 3022. Heavy domination by Islamist terrorists worldwide – again!

Quick Hits

Does Canada need a ‘terrorism’ offence?

A recent court case in which a young man pleaded guilty to murder in a 2020 attack raises the issue of why we need to have terrorism charges at all

Quick Hits

Islamist terrorism is a far bigger threat than ‘Islamophobia’

Claims that Islamophobia trumps Islamist terrorism in 2022 do not have a statistical leg to stand on.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 15-21, 2022

Terrorism around the world for the week of August 15-21: another week dominated by Islamist terrorists


Global Terrorism This Week – August 1-7, 2022

Terrorism around the globe for the week of August 1-7, 2022: again dominated by Islamist terrorist groups and individuals.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Raffaello Pantucci – What if many are getting the RWE problem wrong?

The accepted narrative in the West these days is that the greatest terrorist threat stems from the far right, no longer jihadis. But does it?


We need to hold the champagne over the death of AQ leader Al Zawahiri

The death of AQ’s leader Ayman Al Zawahiri is a rare piece of good news in the war on terror but we need to temper our celebration: AQ lives on.


May 17, 1998: LTTE assassinates Sri Lankan mayor

On May 17, 1998 the mayor of the northern Sri Lankan city of Jaffna was killed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.