Quick Hits

We all need to condemn Jewish terrorism as we do jihadism

Terrorism analysis demands consistency and accuracy across the board: this entails the need to talk about Jewish terrorism in Israel

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canada’s government is still failing Canadians when it comes to malicious activity in our land

The litany of illegal and underhanded actions by the PRC in Canada is legion and there is little sign the government takes any of it seriously

Quick Hits

Why it is best to be skeptical about terrorist groups’ demise

Many naively believe that terrorist groups a la Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. eventually disappear: the reality is they are long lasting threats to national security and public safety

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canada is immigrant friendly, but does it consider the national security angle?

Immigration is important to Canada and has always been. But does the federal government pay enough attention to national security when considering immigrants?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Russia and the Taliban getting together, really?

The old phrase ‘once burned twice shy’ does not seem to apply when it comes to Russia and Afghanistan: why would the former want to jump back in to the Central Asian nation?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The terrorism landscape in Australia – what gives?

Two recent attacks in Australia have people wondering what constitutes terrorism and what doesn’t: is it time to rethink the concept?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is terrorism becoming ‘socialised’ in Canada?

Is Canada putting too much under the terrorism rubric with serious consequences for trying to stop it?

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Perspectives

Why treating national security as a profession is important

There is a reason why professionally-trained individuals are important in several areas of knowledge, and that includes national security

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are pro-Palestinian protests also pro-terrorism?

While you would have to be heartless not to feel for the suffering in Gaza why can’t Palestinian activists feel for the suffering of Israelis?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canada is underperforming badly on the global scene

Why has Canada abandoned its international reputation and commitments and what does it need to do to regain them?