
COVID-19 and Religious Extremism

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, we are seeing worrisome examples of religious people holding extreme views and engaging in religious practices which could make this situation worse.


March 24, 2018 | Five policemen injured in IED blast in India

On this day in 2018, five District Reserve Guard (DRG) jawans were injured in an IED blast, suspected to be carried out by Naxals, in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma district.


March 18, 2009 | Suicide bombing at UNESCO World Heritage site of Shibam in Yemen

On this day in 2009, four South Korean tourists were killed by a powerful bomb at the UNESCO World Heritage site of Shibam in Yemen.


How worried should we be about a bioterrorism attack?

Terrorists want to instill fear and there is nothing scarier than a biological attack. But how realistic is it?


COVID-19: An opening for terrorists?

Even ISIS is afraid of COVID-19, suggesting we may not see an uptick in attacks seeking to take advantage of a possible skeleton crew in security and intelligence agencies – read more here!


March 11, 2004 | Train Bombings in Madrid

On this day in 2004, ten bombs placed on four trains detonated during the morning commute in Madrid, killing 191 and leaving and more than 1,600 wounded.


March 10, 2012 | Attack in Toulouse, France

Beginning on this day in 2012, Mohamed Merah shot and killed a paratrooper in Toulouse. Five days later he killed three unarmed French soldiers before turning his hatred to a Jewish school on March 19.


March 9, 2004 | Attack on Freemasons in Istanbul

On this day in 2004 two terrorists opened fire in a restaurant in Istanbul, Turkey frequented by Masons before detonating suicide vests.


Is it ever OK to negotiate with terrorists?

We should have learned by now that military occupation to deal with terrorism is seldom a good idea: the problem is there are few alternatives. This contribution appeared in Homeland Security Today on February 17, 2020 HOMELAND SECURITY TODAY — It is looking more and more like the U.S. will ink a deal with the […]


March 4, 2010 | Islamist extremist attack on Catholics in Yemen

On this day in 2016 four suspected ISIS members murdered 16 people, including four nuns at the offices of the Sisters of Mother Teresa in Aden, Yemen.