
Canadian Government Whistling Past the Jihadi Graveyard

Why can’t Canada label jihadi terrorism accurately as its allies do? What is it afraid of? No matter what you call it, it is the #1 terrorist threat globally

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

When a country is a perpetrator AND victim of terrorism

Terrorists are equal opportunity actors as a rule and this means that they may also target those who otherwise sponsor terrorist groups

This week in terrorism

The Week in Terrorism: February 5-11, 2024

This blog is an attempt to track terrorist attacks worldwide on a weekly basis. While recognising the challenges in defining ‘terrorism’, the incidents listed here will be limited to attacks committed – or claimed – by known terrorist groups (Al Qaeda, Islamic State, FARC, etc.) or those where there is a clear underlying ideological, religious […]


Public inquiries are a waste of taxpayers’ money

Why would Canada have a public inquiry on foreign interference when we know what happened and the fact that intelligence was ignored?

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 22-28, 2024

Sunni jihadis again dominate the global terrorism scene this week and an ISIS attack in Istanbul is a reminder the group is still active.

This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 15-21, 2024

War in Gaza continues to foment terrorism in the Middle East while Al Shabaab reminds us that it will attack nations which participate in counter terrorism ops abroad

Perspectives Terrorist group profile

The Zainabiyoun Brigade

There does not appear to be any limit to which Iran is sponsoring – allegedly – terrorist groups around the world.


The week in terrorism: January 1-7, 2024

This is a summary of terrorism around the world for the week of January 1-7, with a short discussion on the implications for global security.


The Hamas attack on Israel: an ‘intelligence failure’ or a failure of intelligence? 

In the alacrity to assign blame for preventing the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, that country’s spies were held responsible, wrongly it turns out.


As We Dither Over a Public Inquiry, Beijing Continues Its Subterfuge in Canada

Canada really needs to up its game when it comes to pushing back against foreign (read: China) interference in our affairs.