
February 21, 1970 | Bombing of SwissAir Flight 330

Today it is really hard to get a bomb on an airplane: this was not always the case.


February 19, 1972 | Japanese Red Army hostage taking

On this day in 1972 the Japanese Red Army (JRA) engaged in a standoff with Japanese police at a ski resort where the group had taken a woman hostage.


Does it take a village to stop terrorism?

Many see counter terrorism as a CSIS or RCMP role, but average Canadians also have a part to play.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Video

Podcast 29 – Discussion on terrorism and radicalization with Twitch streamer Destiny

Have a listen to me chatting with Twitch streamer Destiny on a broad range of topics all tied to terrorism (Iran, Israel-Palestine, and many more!)


January 13, 1975: Terrorist attacks against El Al aircraft in Paris

Terrorist attacks on Israel and Israeli interests have been going on for decades and show no signs of going away.


Today in Terrorism: November 21, 2012 – Tel Aviv bus bombing

The 2012 Tel Aviv bus bombing was a mass-injury terror attack carried out on a crowded passenger bus driving in the center of Tel Aviv’s business district.


Today in Terrorism: October 21, 2002 bombing of bus in Israel

How many people take the bus to work in the morning (or you can substitute commuter train if it is appropriate)? I am guessing that the answer is a lot. It is environmentally-friendly in that it removes cars from the road and thus uses less fuel. And with the push for more electric buses we […]


Today in terrorism: October 7, 1985 Achille Lauro hijacking

On this day in 1985, four terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Front corralled 97 passengers aboard the Italian ship Achille Lauro.


September 19, 1972: Letter bomb sent to the Israeli embassy in London

If you go far enough back in recent-ish history one of the terrorist groups that used to get a fair bit of attention was an outfit named Black September. Named after the month in 1970 during which the Jordanian armed forces clashed with fighters from the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO – remember them?), which led […]


A Canadian (i.e. inoffensive) way to talk about terrorism

We Canadians are a deferential bunch. Our national phrase is ‘sorry’ (NB if you want to find a Canadian in a crowd quickly just step on everyone’s toes. The first person to say ‘sorry’ to you is the Canadian). We really try not to offend anyone. This deep-seated desire to be inoffensive even extends to […]