
Today in terrorism: October 20, 2014

It is indeed rare that I find myself writing about terrorism in my own country. I thankfully live in a land where political or religious violence is infrequent and even on those occasions where someone, or several someones, is plotting to do something violent we are blessed with a competent set of counter terrorism agencies […]


Today in terrorism: 18 October 1977, Assassination of Hanns Martin Schleyer

On this day in 1977, German businessman Hanns Martin Schleyer was killed by the Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Faction).


When (Canadian) fiction imitates (terrorist) life

A lot of people mock Canadian television. When I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s in southwestern Ontario we all watched American networks and shows, not Canadian ones. The former were exciting and funny and popular while the latter were, well, Canadian. This criticism of mine is probably unfair as there is some […]


If at first you don’t find a reason to hate keep looking

When you have a bee in your bonnet you tend to seek out whatever information you can muster to support your position or satisfy your need to be right. Whether we are talking about the political party you back or the sports team you cheer for you are constantly on the hunt for evidence that […]


What if we can’t prosecute returning terrorist ‘foreign fighters?

A version of this piece appeared in the Globe and Mail online on September 25, 2019. In much of the debate over what to do with ‘Jihadi Jack’, who is now all ours thanks to the UK decision to revoke his citizenship, a lot of arguments for and against repatriation were made. One of the […]


September 13, 2006: Gunmen hit U.S. embassy, 3 attackers die

On this day in 2006, four gunmen attacked the US Embassy in Damascus, storming the compound with grenades and automatic weapons before being repelled by Syrian security forces.


State terrorism is making a comeback – of sorts

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on August 26, 2019. These days when we read or think about terrorism we tend to go in two directions. Either we think about terrorist groups: Al Qaeda, Islamic State, the Taliban, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, etc. Or we talk about ‘lone wolves’ even if that term is […]


What should parents do when their son becomes a terrorist?

As some of you may know, I am a grandfather (yes, I am THAT old!). I have an almost 2-year old grandson and, duh!, he is the most perfect grandchild. Ever. In the history of the planet. Of that there is no doubt and I should know since I am his grandfather. What is that […]


A Canadian terrorist is a Canadian terrorist is a Canadian terrorist

We all remember when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau uttered the famous line “a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian” right? It was during one of the Munk debates in the lead up to the 2015 federal elections after which he became our leader. In that debate, Mr. Trudeau was responding to plans by the […]


Radicalisers reaching out from beyond the grave

When I worked at CSIS on counter terrorism investigations one phenomenon we would encounter on a regular basis was the role played by an individual we called the ‘radicaliser’. This person, or persons, could reside in the real world or online. S/he (to be honest it was usually a he) would generally have a charismatic […]