
Today in terrorism: October 6, 1981 Anwar Al-Sadat assassination

On October 6 1981, assassins posing as soldiers opened fire on Egyptian President Anwar Sadat as he watched a military victory parade.


September 22, 1975: President Ford survives second assassination attempt

The word ‘assassination’ is an interesting one (NB I taught linguistics for 15 years at university so I find everything about language fascinating). It stems from a rather unique set of historical events a long time ago. From 1090 to 1275 a group of Shia Muslim fanatics known as the Asasiyun (Arabic for “those who […]


Will increasing political polarisation in Canada lead to an assassination?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on March 4, 2019. There is a small plaque on Queen Street in Ottawa, two blocks south of Parliament Hill. It is not that prominent and easy to miss. It commemorates the assassination of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, “considered one of the eloquent of the Fathers of Confederation” (that […]


When It Comes to Terrorist Threats, the Feds Need to Call a Spade a Spade

The Canadian government’s refusal to use correct terminology to describe jihadi terrorism is kowtowing to political correctness.

Perspectives Terrorist group profile

The Zainabiyoun Brigade

There does not appear to be any limit to which Iran is sponsoring – allegedly – terrorist groups around the world.

Quick Hits

What to do with the Saudis as a counter terrorism partner

What should those who hold human values highly do with regimes who can help with intelligence on counter terrorism but don’t share our values?


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW): October 3-9, 2022

Global Terrorism This Week: October 3-9, 3022. Heavy domination by Islamist terrorists worldwide – again!


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – September 19-25, 2022

Once again global terrorism was heavily by dominated – in fact 100% the work of – jihadis


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 22-28, 2022

The Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW): August 22-28, 2022. Another week dominated by Islamist terrorism – so what else is new?


Old jihadi causes never die…nor do they fade away

The recent attack on UK author Salman Rushdie is a potent reminder that calls for religious violence can last decades.