Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is Canada an easy target for China’s spies?

No country can allow its sensitive technology to be stolen by foreign powers: so why does Canada do so?

Perspectives Terrorist group profile

The Zainabiyoun Brigade

There does not appear to be any limit to which Iran is sponsoring – allegedly – terrorist groups around the world.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why doesn’t Canada have a foreign intelligence service?

In a world where everyone is spying on everyone else you would think that having a trained, competent foreign intelligence agency is a given – not in Canada

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why does Canada keep giving millions to alleged jihadis?

It is one thing to recognise when injustices are done and those wrongly accused should be compensated. But millions to those who publicly express extremism?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is Sweden becoming unsafe?

Sweden’s reputation as a safe country of blond, fit people has been taking a hit of late: what is going on?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to be part of a community jihadis seek to ‘eliminate’?

Some in Canada think that those who joined ISIS are ‘victims’ who need to be ‘rescued’. How do real victims, i.e. Yazidis, feel about this?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why are so many faithful killing in the name of ‘god’?

We have been led to believe that religion is a good thing: so why do so many use it to justify acts of terrorist violence?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What effect do terrorism alerts have on the public?

A terrorist attack on a crowd during the holiday season would be horrific: what are the chances of one in Western Europe this year?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why foreign HUMINT collection should be left to the professionals

In the post 9/11 period a lot of agencies wanted to hone in on the collection of security intelligence: did Canada make a mistake in letting the foreign ministry do so?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is coastal West Africa facing an increased jihadi threat?

Why are coastal West African nations facing a growing jihadi threat and how serious could this become?