
October 17, 2008: Suicide bombing in Georgia, United States

On October 17, 2008 a man tossed a bomb into a law firm in Georgia (US), killing himself and wounding four.


May 3, 2002: Multiple pipe bombs planted in midwestern United States

Beginning on this day in 2002 a 21-year old college student planted a series of pipe bombs in rural mailboxes across five midwestern US states.


October 26, 1868: White supremacist riots in Louisiana, United States

Many were killed in a white supremacist riot against African Americans in the southern US in October 1868 in the aftermath of the civil war.


Sara Kamali – What can jihadis and white nationalists possibly have in common?

Episode 97 – Phil Gurski talks with Dr Sara Kamali, author of the new book, HOMEGROWN HATE: Why White Nationalists and Militant Islamists are Waging War against the United States

Phil in the media

America’s QAnon problem is infecting Canada. What should we do about it?

QAnon, an unfortunate cultural import from the United States, has gained new prevalence north of the border. How bad is it, and what can be done to stop it?


Homegrown Terrorists: Canada Must Take the Jihadi Threat More Seriously

Jihadi terrorism remains by far the greatest scourge globally and Canada is not immune from it. We need to stop being in denial


Why the Disturbing Silence on Jihadi Violence Against Those Who Do Not Share Their Religious Worldview?

Woke and political correctness cultures prevent us from talking honestly about the single greatest terrorism threat globally: that carried out by jihadis


Why National Security Matters: Just Take a Look Around the World

The world has always been a dangerous place but is it becoming more dangerous, even more so than during the Cold War?


How NOT to Win Friends and Influence People

What do we do with a UN refugee agency that appears to be in cahoots with a jihadi organisation?


Rainbow Bridge Explosion a Lesson to Be Cautious in Proclaiming the Cause of an Incident Before All the Facts Are In

It is often painful to wait for more information to come in before making up one’s mind, but when it comes to terrorism it is crucial to do so