The death of AQ’s leader Ayman Al Zawahiri is a rare piece of good news in the war on terror but we need to temper our celebration: AQ lives on.

The death of AQ’s leader Ayman Al Zawahiri is a rare piece of good news in the war on terror but we need to temper our celebration: AQ lives on.
On May 13, 2011 98 people were killed by two TTP suicide bombs at a military training centre northwest Pakistan in revenge for the killing of AQ leader bin Laden.
On May 12, 2003 39 people were killed and more than 160 wounded when AQ set off bombs in three compounds in Riyadh.
On April 26, 2010 an AQ terrorist dressed as a schoolboy carried out a suicide attack near the convoy of the British ambassador to Yemen, killing only himself.
On March 10, 2008 a female suicide bomber killed the head of a local security group northeast of Baghdad and three others.
On November 12, 2008 a USAID contractor was killed along with his driver in an Islamist terrorist attack in Peshawar.
Africa will most likely continue to be a hot bed of terrorism for many years to come with little hope of a resolution to this threat
On October 6, 2002 terrorists carried out a suicide attack on the MV Limburg, carrying crude oil, killing one crew member and injuring a dozen
Terrorists are not known for their embrace of free speech. Their view of the world allows for absolutely no diversion from what they have decided is right…and wrong.
The only terrorist who cannot harm us is a dead one: derad programs are far from perfect