I am thrilled to be part of the upcoming terrorism and group-based violence workshop at the Canadian Police College along with my friends Paul Gill from UCL and Stephen Hart from SFU!
Protect International is pleased to present this 1-Day Conference related to assessing and managing risk for terrorism and group-based violence. The Conference is taking place on 3 February in Ottawa, Ontario.
Terrorism and group-based violence (including organized crime, hate crime, and honour-based violence) pose a serious threat to both the safety of the public and the public’s confidence in government and law enforcement to protect its safety. Our understanding of these problems is limited – we don’t know exactly how to conceptualize or define terrorism and group-based violence, we don’t know exactly what causes them, and we don’t know how best to prevent them. But we are making constant advances in theory and practice, and this 5-day event provides an opportunity for professionals to learn more about some advances relevant to their work.
When: 3-7 February 2020
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
EB Conference Only: $100
EB Workshop Only: $1520
EB Conference and Workshop: $1570
Confirmed Presenters

During the 1-day conference, subject matter experts will discuss hot topics related to terrorism and group-based violence, including:
Dr. Stephen Hart (Protect International Risk and Safety Services Inc.), Mr. Phil Gurski (Borealis Threat & Risk Consulting Inc.), Dr. Paul Gill (University College London) and are internationally recognized experts, a prolific authors, and engaging presenters related to terrorism and group-based violence. They are passionate about providing evidence-based understanding, knowledge, and skills in assessing and managing risk for terrorism and group-based violence that professionals can apply in practice.
Who Should Attend?
This conference and workshop are designed for anyone whose work involves assessing and managing risk for terrorism and group-based violence, including law enforcement, national security, corrections, forensic mental health, and legal professionals.
In the 1-Day Conference, subject matter experts will discuss hot topics, including: (1) the similarities and overlap between terrorism and other forms of groupbased and lone actor violence; (2) critical differences between screening, triage, and comprehensive risk assessment of terrorism and group-based violence; (3) the appropriate use of risk assessment tools, including how to deal with multiple (i.e., intersecting) risks and multiple tools; and (4) maximizing the effectiveness of multi-disciplinary teams.
When: 3-7 February 2020
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Early-Bird Deadline: 6 January 2020
EB Conference Only: $100
EB Workshop Only: $1520
EB Conference and Workshop: $1570