Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Podcast 18 – The right resources focused on the right problem?

Far right terrorism is our #1 threat! No, jihadi terrorism is! Which one is it? What do the numbers tell us? Have a listen to episode 18 of An Intelligent Look at Terrorism with Phil Gurski.

Far right terrorism is our #1 threat! No, jihadi terrorism is! Which one is it? What do the numbers tell us? Have a listen to episode 18 of An Intelligent Look at Terrorism with Phil Gurski.

Podcast 18 of An Intelligent Look at Terrorism is now available! You can listen to it on multiple platforms:

Let me know what you think or send me ideas for future episodes. You can reach me on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter (@borealissaves) or Gmail ([email protected]).

Looking forward to hearing from you!

By Phil Gurski

Phil Gurski is the President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. Phil is a 32-year veteran of CSE and CSIS and the author of six books on terrorism.

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