Quick Hits Video

It is high time to cancel ‘cancel culture’

Debate is the backbone of democratic society. Reasoned, civil exchanges of ideas is what we must protect. Phil Gurski weighs in on this ‘cancel culture’ phenomenon.


August 10, 2003: Sniper shootings in US

Shawn Lester was found guilty of three sniper murders in West Virginia in August 2003 in what was seen as a copy of the 2002 Beltway murders.


Brian Jenkins explains why ‘terrorism is theater’

Brian Jenkins and Phil Gurski discusses why terrorists seem to want a lot of people watching, not a lot of people dead.


August 9, 2017: Car ramming in France

On this day in 2017, an ISIS-inspired Islamist terrorist drove over French soldiers in a Paris suburb injuring six before he was arrested following a police chase.


August 8, 1983: Bus bombings in Chile

On this day in 1983, Leftist revolutionaries in Chile torched buses during demonstrations that rocked the country.

Quick Hits Video

Is it ok for one nation to send a hit squad to another?

News has just come out that Saudi Arabia sent a hit squad to Canada to kill former counter terrorism officer Saad al-Jabri. Saudi has a history of this, having killed Washington Post reporter and dissident Jamal Kashoggi in Istanbul in October 2018. What should Canada do in reponse? Borealis weighs in. The crown prince of Saudi […]


August 7, 1998: US embassy bombings in East Africa

On this day in 1998, US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed in by Al Qaeda in a massive attack that killed more than 200 and wounded thousands.


August 6, 2015: Mosque bombing in Saudi Arabia

On this day in 2015, ISIS claimed responsibility for a bombing at a mosque in southwest Saudi Arabia that killed 15 including security forces members.

Quick Hits Video

Beirut explosion: When is a terrorist attack not a terrorist attack?

The explosion yesterday in Beirut sure looks like a terrorist attack. All indications point to this being an accident. What does this say about our reaction to events of this nature?


Rescue Me – Crime Prevention

Rescue me, founded in 2011, is a non-profit organization established by two sisters as a means of crime prevention and countering violent extremism.