
Be careful where you buy your tech from

The Canadian government appears to be incapable of making good decisions on where to buy sensitive technology, electing to deal with countries which are not our friends


Your friendly local neighbourhood Chinese police station in Canada – NOT!

How is it that the Canadian government is not taking seriously enough the presence of PRC ‘police stations’ on our soil?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is ‘Hindu extremism’ and how bad is it?

India is a multiethnic country with a huge Muslim minority: is that minority at risk of violence by Hindu extremists?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can risk assessment tools really prevent terrorism?

Can we predict who becomes a terrorist and why? That is what some risk assessment tools claim – are they accurate?


The PM Trudeau and his team clearly need to enroll in Intelligence 101

You would think a country’s leader would have a good idea what its intelligence agencies have authority to do. Then again, this is Canada we are talking about.


Why create intelligence assessments if no one reads them?

Intelligence agencies work hard to provide the best advice possible to senior government leaders: you would think these mandarins would at least read what they send.


The end of ISIS? Not by a longshot, alas

We constantly hear or read that this or that terrorist group has been “defeated”: how much stock should we place in such reports (hint: very little)

Quick Hits

Where was terrorism in 2022 and where is it headed in 2023?

Are terrorism trends as seen in 2022 likely to shift in 2023? No: jihadis will mostly likely dominate the ideological violent landscape in next year.


The terrorist attack that wasn’t…or was it?

Foregone conclusions on the nature of violent events without any basis in established facts help no one and lead to unnecessary panic


How meaningful is ‘sorry’ after a mass terrorist attack?

Should we accept an apology from a convicted terrorist who was let out early after having built bombs that killed more than 200?