Criticism of a state over its acts is an acceptable form of protest: what happens when that state is Israel and opposition turns to anti-Semitism?

Criticism of a state over its acts is an acceptable form of protest: what happens when that state is Israel and opposition turns to anti-Semitism?
The vile practice of anti-Semitism has been around for millennia: when does it cross the line into acts of terrorism?
Yes, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps needed to be listed as a terrorist entity — years ago. What took the Liberals so long?
Solid intelligence pointing to unwanted and dangerous Chinese interference in Canada and multiple levels has been collected and shared for decades and ignored. Why?
It is frightening that with all indicators blinking red on a probable jihadi attack in the offing the Canadian government does not understand the threat
The Canadian government is doing a terrible job at calling terrorism what it is, preferring to focus on only one part of the violence spectrum
Woke and political correctness cultures prevent us from talking honestly about the single greatest terrorism threat globally: that carried out by jihadis
In an effort to be seen to do something about foreign interference, the Canadian government announces a ‘foreign agent registry’. Now what?
More and more is being learned about foreign interference in Canadian elections and less and less is being done about it
The old phrase ‘once burned twice shy’ does not seem to apply when it comes to Russia and Afghanistan: why would the former want to jump back in to the Central Asian nation?