The phenomenon of radicalisation has been looked at in detail by security intelligence services and law enforcement agencies: it is not new.

The phenomenon of radicalisation has been looked at in detail by security intelligence services and law enforcement agencies: it is not new.
We have been led to believe that religion is a good thing: so why do so many use it to justify acts of terrorist violence?
Are there occasions when less, rather than more, information is a better way to manage reactions to violence in our societies?
The war in Gaza has heightened calls among jihadi groups for terrorist attacks in the West and particularly against Jews. What does all this mean?
A terrorist attack on a crowd during the holiday season would be horrific: what are the chances of one in Western Europe this year?
The belief by some that a particular form of international terrorism, i.e. jihadi violent extremism, is on the wane or no longer important is most definitely wrong.
Does the UK know something of the terrorist threat to Canada that we don’t? If so, I hope we find out!
In the post 9/11 period a lot of agencies wanted to hone in on the collection of security intelligence: did Canada make a mistake in letting the foreign ministry do so?
Why are coastal West African nations facing a growing jihadi threat and how serious could this become?
In the alacrity to assign blame for preventing the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, that country’s spies were held responsible, wrongly it turns out.