
So where were all the terrorist attacks in Canada in 2022?

Terrorism chicken littles have a lot to answer for when their predictions of waves of violence do not come to pass, as in the case of RWE.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is it possible that the Somali Islamist terrorist group Al Shabaab is going the way of the dodo?

The Somali government and military have been making bold claims of late that Al Shabaab is on its way out. Is this true?


When terrorist victimizers pretend to be the ‘victims’

There is so much wrong about calls to repatriate Canadians who joined ISIS: let’s start with those who see them as ‘victims’

Quick Hits

Why Canada is erring in repatriating ISIS women

After dragging its feet for years, Canada announced it is repatriating women ISIS jihadis: bad move Trudeau government!

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Are we guilty of ‘panic porn’ when it comes to RWE?

It is hard to not come across articles these days about the growing threat of RWE. Are these worries justified?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

From service in Afghanistan to a military/security publishing house

A former Canadian soldier and reservist wrote fiction and non-fiction on Afghanistan and went on to create a new publishing house on military and security


Be careful where you buy your tech from

The Canadian government appears to be incapable of making good decisions on where to buy sensitive technology, electing to deal with countries which are not our friends


Your friendly local neighbourhood Chinese police station in Canada – NOT!

How is it that the Canadian government is not taking seriously enough the presence of PRC ‘police stations’ on our soil?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is ‘Hindu extremism’ and how bad is it?

India is a multiethnic country with a huge Muslim minority: is that minority at risk of violence by Hindu extremists?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Can risk assessment tools really prevent terrorism?

Can we predict who becomes a terrorist and why? That is what some risk assessment tools claim – are they accurate?