Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What really happened during this winter’s Freedom Convoy in Ottawa?

Episode 135 – The Freedom Convoy got a lot of attention in Canada and abroad but what actually happened? Borealis talks to the author of a new book on the event

Quick Hits

Those who accuse others of blasphemy can become terrorists

Those who still believe blasphemy is a sin and seek to kill those who engage in it are nothing but terrorists

Quick Hits

You have to act on intelligence even if it is uncorroborated

Just because intel turns out to be bogus does not mean it should not have led to certain decisions in the first place

Quick Hits

No, warrant processes are not ‘racist’

Allegations that CSIS applies for a court warrant out of ‘systemic racism’ are ridiculous and point to worrying ignorance of how our spies operate

Quick Hits

Can we really predict the next mass shooter/terrorist?

Many say they can predict the next mass shooter/terrorist before they strike; can they really?

Quick Hits

So long and thanks for all the fish

Quick Hits 189 – This is the last podcast… for now.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What keeps French security forces up at night?

Episode 134 – A new report discusses the state of terrorism in France and Borealis talks to its author Alexandre Rodde from the Gendarmerie Nationale

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What can ordinary citizens do to stop radicalisation to violence?

Episode 133 – Phil talks to Executive Director Myrieme Churchill of Parents4peace, an organisation that aims to help families identify and deal with these cases

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What to do with terrorist mass murderers behind bars?

Episode 132 – Borealis talks once again with Norwegian CT analyst Atle Mesoy on the infamous Anders Breivik case from 2011.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The challenge of running a large domestic security intelligence operation

Episode 131 – Borealis talks to former senior CSIS IO Dan Faughnan.