Quick Hits Video

Remembering Corporal Nathan Cirillo 6 years after the shootings at Parliament Hill

Six years ago today unarmed Corporal Nathan Cirillo was killed while standing honour guard at the National Cenotpah by a Canadian Islamist terrorist. RIP Corporal Cirillo.

Podcast Quick Hits

What will the impact of the beheading of a high school teacher be on France?

A French teacher makes the difficult decision to raise the issue of the infamous ‘Muhammad cartoons’ to his class. People get angry and an 18-yr old student beheads this teacher.

Quick Hits Video

If you “just drove the bus” for ISIS, should we let you go?

What do we do with those who say they joined terrorist groups but did nothing violent? Borealis weighs in on this topic.

Quick Hits Video

Golden Dawn trial: Greece shows us how to prosecute terrorism!

When terrorism cases come to court it is necessary to prove that ideology drove a (planned) act of violence. Why do we need to do that? Isn’t violence simply violence?

Phil in the media Quick Hits Video

FBI foils right-wing terror plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer

Borealis talks with CHML’s Bill Kelly about the FBI takedown of a right wing Michigan militia plot to kidnap and kill the state governor. Have a listen!

Quick Hits Video

NO! The Canadian government should NOT apologise for its reaction to FLQ terrorists

50 years ago today the FLQ terrorist group kidnapped a UK diplomat in Montreal. In response the Trudeau government declared martial law. People are now demanding that the current Trudeau government apologise for this. Should it?

Quick Hits Video

Do security services really ‘get it wrong’ when things go boom

An inquiry into the 2017 Manchester suicide bombing has uncovered that MI5 had the terrorist on their ‘radar’ as long ago as 2010. The security service ended up dropping him from investigation. Did they screw up? Borealis weighs in on how investigations really work. Read more: Manchester Arena bomber linked to six MI5 ‘subjects of […]

Quick Hits Video

The Canadian government still doesn’t get intelligence

Intelligence agencies exist to help officials make better decisions. Some nations have true ‘intelligence cultures’ where the value of this kind of information is recognised. Then there is Canada.

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The slow wheels of terrorist justice

What should we do with so-called returning ‘foreign fighters’ (i.e. terrorists)? Charge them? How hard is that? Borealis discusses the challenges behind this in light of a recent case in Calgary, Canada.

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What to do with an ISIS wannabe?

A Canadian has been charged with terrorism hoax for lying about being part of ISIS. What should happen to him? Borealis talks to Mubin Shaikh, a Canadian who worked with Abu Huzayfah to see what he knew and when about this case. About my guest Mubin Shaikh: Mubin Shaikh is a former security intelligence and […]