Recent changes to Indonesian laws suggest a rightward, less tolerant form of Islam. Should we be worried about more Islamist terrorism?

Recent changes to Indonesian laws suggest a rightward, less tolerant form of Islam. Should we be worried about more Islamist terrorism?
National security ‘expertise’ is woefully inaccurate and inadequate and is in need of examination – we must put these experts to the test.
Why is it that the victims of terrorism seem to disappear from our attention in the immediate aftermath of an attack: do the terrorists themselves deserve our fascination?
What should those who hold human values highly do with regimes who can help with intelligence on counter terrorism but don’t share our values?
Everyone seems to be convinced that right-wing extremism is THE # threat: well, it seems everyone is wrong – this ain’t good.
The Canadian government has politicised the use and meaningfulness of intelligence and undermined the very agencies which provide it – not good!
Woke and cancel culture are gaining ground on many fronts and may in fact be having a serious effect on our ability to ensure national security and public safety.
The US has long listed Cuba as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’. Why? Is there any usefulness of such a designation?
Canadian authorities elected to extradite an ISIS recruiter in Edmonton to the US where he is given a stiff sentence: why wasn’t he tried here?
Too many nations use the spectre of ‘colonialism’ to cover up their ineptitude in many spheres, including countering jihadi terrorism