RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA – There is an old saying ‘blood is thicker than water’: I don’t think jihadis have ever heard this one.
That families are important goes without saying. Those who are fortunate to have happy, stable kin around have a better chance of growing up ‘normal’. Those that don’t, well…

It stands to reason then that those in families will do everything to protect their relations. Then, again lots of things that most of us take for granted do not seem to apply to terrorists.
On this day in 2016
Twin brothers stabbed their mother to death and seriously injured their father and brother over their allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS). They also chased their younger brother up to the rooftop of the family home and stabbed him multiple times.
Investigations revealed that they lured their mother to the storeroom and stabbed her several times. Then, they went to the father and treacherously stabbed him before chasing their brother and stabbing him as well.
Police spokesman
The Saudi interior ministry confirmed that the attack was premeditated as was the link to ISIS. The terrorists were planning to leave the country to join ISIS in one of the areas where they are in conflict. They were arrested 100 km away from the scene of their crime.
So much for the advice to ‘honour thy mother and father’ I guess.
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