
May 6, 2009: Cellphone tower bombings in Spain

On May 6, 2009 two ETA bombs exploded at two cellphone towers in the Basque region of resulting in damage to both towers but no injuries or deaths.

CASTRO URDIALES, SPAIN – Why is it that some terrorist attacks don’t seem to be that special?

Aren’t phone bills a pain?

I mean it is not as if we can live without these modern conveniences, can we? Have you seen how many of us are glued to our cellphones on buses, in waiting rooms or even while walking down the street (Q: why are there not more deaths from not paying attention to traffic while playing Call of Duty on an iPhone?)?

And we in Canada have even more to complain about when it comes to Ma Bell. We pay just about the highest cellphone rates in the world. It is enough to make you angry.

But angry enough to carry out a terrorist attack?

Um, if phones were invented by a Canadian why do we pay so much for them?? (Photo: By Bain News Service, publisher – Library of Congress Catalog, Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons)

On this day in 2009

Two bombs exploded at two cellphone towers in the Basque region of northern Spain resulting in damage to both towers but no injuries or deaths. The Basque separatist group ETA (Euskadi Ta AskatasunaBasque Homeland and Liberty) was most likely responsible.

ETA is going to interpret these attacks as a show of its own strength. But it’s a strength that’s more fictitious than real.

Rogelio Alonso, Madrid’s University of King Juan Carlos

Two cellphone towers targeted but no one killed or hurt. But I do wonder if Spaniards’ phone bills went up. Join the club amigos!

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By Phil Gurski

Phil Gurski is the President and CEO of Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting Ltd. Phil is a 32-year veteran of CSE and CSIS and the author of six books on terrorism.

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