Canadian Intelligence Eh!

The RCMP at 150: where has it been and where is it going?

In an age where many think law enforcement can do nothing right it is well worth reflecting on those that do – the RCMP at 150

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Information not shared is not useful information

We live in an era of information overload but this does not mean we are sharing what we need to, especially when it comes to public safety

Quick Hits

How believable are claims of success against terrorism?

Governments make truly impressive claims in their counterterrorism campaigns, but can these numbers be trusted?

Quick Hits

When book burnings lead to terrorism

When freedom of speech and expression intersects with the burning of holy books there is a connection to terrorism threats

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

How important is intelligence sharing? Lessons from Europe

We all learned as children how to share and sharing makes us all better off. What about intelligence? How much should we give and take with other nations?


When intel services go public you know it is serious

Secret services are secret for a reason: when they open up to the public it is a good idea to listen to what they have to say


Politicians should have listened to Fadden’s warnings instead of reprimanding him

Whistling past the graveyard when faced with bad news – like foreign spying on your soil – is seldom a good strategy

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why can’t Canada call Islamist terrorism what it is?

Squeamishness over terms like Islamist or jihadi terrorism appears to have led some to ban the term from official documents – is this a good move?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

National security and the world of fiction: a fascinating juxtaposition

The nexus between the national security world and that of fiction (movies and books) is an interesting one – what are the challenges?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is the link between blasphemy and terrorism?

In what may seem like an anachronism, blasphemy accusations still can lead to death. Why do current blasphemy campaigns lie almost exclusively within Islamist extremists?