Perspectives This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 22-28, 2024

Sunni jihadis again dominate the global terrorism scene this week and an ISIS attack in Istanbul is a reminder the group is still active.

This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 15-21, 2024

War in Gaza continues to foment terrorism in the Middle East while Al Shabaab reminds us that it will attack nations which participate in counter terrorism ops abroad

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The week in terrorism: January 8-14, 2024

Global terrorism trends showed no change in the second week of January with jihadi violence again dominant and no sign of far right attacks


The week in terrorism: January 1-7, 2024

This is a summary of terrorism around the world for the week of January 1-7, with a short discussion on the implications for global security.


Jumping on the Bandwagon to Support Hamas May Dilute Support for Other Causes

International causes make strange bedfellows, but the speed with which left-wingers adopted Hamas rhetoric will prove to be counterproductive

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What is it like to be part of a community jihadis seek to ‘eliminate’?

Some in Canada think that those who joined ISIS are ‘victims’ who need to be ‘rescued’. How do real victims, i.e. Yazidis, feel about this?


Is it really possible to ‘defeat’ a terrorist group?

We should be very cautious in accepting claims that terrorist groups have been defeated: they have a tendency to last a long time


Johnston’s Report on Election Interference Is Gaslighting Canadians

The Johnston report on Chinese interference in Canadian elections was an egregious waste of time and energy and a cynical ploy by the Trudeau government


Why in heaven’s name should Canada repatriate those who left us to join ISIS?

A court ruling that tries to force the Canadian government to repatriate those who joined ISIS of their own free will is daft

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What can we learn from the German experience on repatriating ISIS terrorists?

Episode 171: What to do with Western ISIS ‘foreign fighters’? So many countries are struggling with what to do with their citizens who thought joining ISIS was a good idea.  While many died over in Iraq and Syria many survived and want to come home.  Not surprisingly, what policy is best to follow is not […]