
February 15, 1905 | Assassination of Russian Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich

On this day in 1905 Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich was targeted for assassination by Russian revolutionaries.


Suicide attack in Afghanistan kills eight – December 24, 2009

As much as we can, and should, condemn terrorism, we have to admire the ingenuity of some terrorists.


Today in Terrorism: December 8, 1920 – Bombing of Romanian Senate

Terrorism is now associated primarily with either Islamist extremism or far right nationalism: it was once a tool of Communists.


Today in Terrorism: November 15, 1979 and 1988

On November 15, 1979 Theodore Kaczynski, the so-called Unabomber managed to sneak a bomb onto American Airlines Flight 444 from Chicago to Washington D.C.


Today in Terrorism: November 14, 2018

On this day in 2018 – one year ago – two bombs were deployed in Buenos Aires before the convening of yet another G-20 event.


Today in terrorism: 12 October 1984, Margaret Thatcher bombing attempt

On this day in 1984, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombed the Grand Hotel in Brighton (England), where then UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s ruling Conservative Party was holding its annual conference. Five people died and many more were injured.


Today in terrorism: October 1, 1910

On this day in 1910, a time bomb built of 16 sticks of connected to a cheap windup alarm clock exploded in an alley next to the Los Angeles Times.


When (Canadian) fiction imitates (terrorist) life

A lot of people mock Canadian television. When I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s in southwestern Ontario we all watched American networks and shows, not Canadian ones. The former were exciting and funny and popular while the latter were, well, Canadian. This criticism of mine is probably unfair as there is some […]


Today in terrorism – September 27, 2018

Terrorism is not always as ‘in your face’ as we sometimes think. Campaigns of violence, often mislabeled as the work of ‘insurgents’ or ‘militants’ can go on for years and even decades with little reverberation in the news, especially if the killing occurs in a faraway land or part of a country well off the […]


September 22, 1975: President Ford survives second assassination attempt

The word ‘assassination’ is an interesting one (NB I taught linguistics for 15 years at university so I find everything about language fascinating). It stems from a rather unique set of historical events a long time ago. From 1090 to 1275 a group of Shia Muslim fanatics known as the Asasiyun (Arabic for “those who […]