It seems that everyone is calling everything terrorism these days. It is almost as if the word is in the eye (brain?) of the beholder. In this Quick Hits podcast episode, Borealis pushes back against this uncareful use.
If the ins and outs of terrorism, extremism, national security and public safety are of interest to you, subscribe to receive free content from former Canadian intelligence analyst and author Phil Gurski on these issues.
Listen to more “Quick Hits podcasts”
Political correctness is making us less safe
Episode 252 – Why are we so afraid to call things what they are? It does not take much these days to be called a ‘racist’ or a ‘misogynist’ or an ‘Islamophobe’. Just question accepted woke views on any matter and you are immediately labeled an enemy of progress. As a consequence, some, including perhaps…
Who thinks making an 11-year old girl a sex slave is OK? ISIS, that’s who
It is time for EVERYONE to call out jihadis for what they are: misogynists who hate women and will do everything they can to harm them
Israel hits Hizballah hard: so what’s next?
Israel’s audacious attack on Hizballah through explosive pagers is said by some to be a game-changer, but is it?