Have you heard of the term ‘gaslighting’? Did you know it comes from a 1944 Ingrid Bergman film. Discover how a movie about a manipulative husband gave us a new word to describe information control in the 2020s.
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21st-Century Gaslighting
Untruths come in many shapes and sizes. All are antithetical to science, but gaslighting, in which someone denies the reality that other people are experiencing has become a greater threat than ever. What is the link with terrorism and national security? Read more
Canada’s immigration system is broken when it comes to public safety and the government could not care less
When artificial immigration goals are seen as a priority and national security/public safety are ignored something is badly wrong
Why accurate language is important in counter-terrorism
We know a lot about terrorism, its genesis, and its characteristics so why do we pussy foot around the precise use…
States have a duty to battle disinformation when it comes to acts of violence
Why are governments so reluctant to release corroborated, accurate information in the wake of violent attacks when such a move can…