
Grievances are legitimate, violence is not

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on March 26 I do not really want to flog the Jagmeet Singh/Sikh extremism story ad nauseum – many others  have done that – but there is one thing that the leader of the NDP does that concerns me and needs to be addressed.  In truth he has […]


How hard can it be to make a workable no-fly list?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on March 9, 2018   In the 1997 movie Rocket Man (starring Canadian actor Harland Williams), a comedy about the first manned mission to Mars, there is a scene where a senior NASA manager, played by Jeffery DeMunn, is trying to justify why he did not predict and […]


CSE should be allowed to go on the offensive

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on February 26, 2018   I still remember my first day at CSE. I had moved to Ottawa from London (Ontario) where I had been interviewed by CSE representatives and later offered a job.  I knew little of what I was being asked to do since the poster […]


A rare look at the terrorist threat to Canada thanks to CSIS

This article appeared in The Hill Times on February 12, 2018 We get a peek at what security intelligence services do all too rarely in this country.  In contrast, the recent leaking of an FBI memo on the investigation into possible Russian meddling in the 2016 election is but the latest example of many on […]


The fine line between hate and terrorism: murder is murder

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on February 12, 2017   We in Canada have, thankfully, few dates that will ‘live in infamy’ to cite former US President Roosevelt in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor (9/11 would fit into this category as well).  When it comes to Canada I suppose many […]


On the link between immigration and terrorism

This article appeared in The Hill Times on January 29, 2018 Canada is a nation of immigrants, of that there is no question.  Our historical openness to those around the world has made us the country we are, warts and all.  And while immigration waves have varied over the centuries – my own family was […]


When city hall becomes a terrorist target

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on January 15, 2018 There are many reasons why citizens dislike City Hall.  You might have a beef over the taxes you pay. Perhaps you are not happy with snow removal or garbage collection.  You may even have a bone to pick with a parking ticket you received.  […]


The Joshua Boyle saga – an alternative view

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on January 22, 2018 If there is one thing we have learned about Joshua Boyle it is that he is an odd duck.  He apparently made over 62,000 edits and contributions to Wikipedia over a 13-year span (if my math is correct that makes 15  a day) on […]


We need to ignore most jihadi propaganda

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on January 3, 2018 In the lead up to New Year’s a lot of people were very nervous that festivities would be interrupted by a terrorist attack.  To be fair, the fear was not completely unfounded as at last year’s celebration in Turkey a gunmen opened fire in […]


Australia, Belgium lead by example on returning foreign fighters -what about Canada?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on December 21, 2017 Canadians are nice people, or so we think of ourselves that way.  There is not much doubt that many see Canadians as ‘nice’ and even harmless: I recently read a Doonesbury comic in which one of the characters comments that there are few things […]