
Did Germany drop the ball on right-wing extremism?

Over the last years we are hearing more and more about how many Germans espousing right-wing extreme ideas. German military in particular is concerned.


Today in Terrorism: 11 November 2016

On Remembrance Day in 2016, some neo-Nazis decided to bomb a leftist centre in Gothenburg Sweden.


Maxime Bernier’s PPC: Haters gotta hate, hate, hate

Pity poor Maxime Bernier. The leader of the People’s Party of Canada, who came within a hair’s breadth of becoming head honcho of the Conservative Party, cannot catch a break.


A small victory in the war against violent hate or a slippery slope to censorship?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on September 9, 2019. We all believe that hate is on the rise. Whether it is statements made (and later denied) by presidents who shall remain nameless or an apparent increase in marches and public displays of anger by groups of (largely) white men who seem to be […]


When citizens report radicalisers we all win

What is the duty of a citizen? How far should a taxpayer go in the interests of public safety? Are we obliged to cooperate with security intelligence and law enforcement agencies when we come across information that may relate to threats or crimes? Or is it ok to ignore what we see or hear, preferring […]


It is time to categorically reject the Norse-god inspired far right in Canada

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on May 20, 2019. When I was a kid one of my favourite movies was The Vikings with Kirk Douglas (father of the much more famous, at least today, Michael) and Tony Curtis. It follows the story of a bunch of, well Vikings, in which, and here I […]


Counter terrorism agencies forced to juggle many balls simultaneously

In many ways you have to feel for security intelligence agencies. I know full well that this is not an easy thing to ask as I cannot imagine most citizens want to cut these organisations any slack, or acknowledge that what they are called on to do – what WE demand they do, i.e. to […]


Will increasing political polarisation in Canada lead to an assassination?

This piece appeared in The Hill Times on March 4, 2019. There is a small plaque on Queen Street in Ottawa, two blocks south of Parliament Hill. It is not that prominent and easy to miss. It commemorates the assassination of Thomas D’Arcy McGee, “considered one of the eloquent of the Fathers of Confederation” (that […]


When to call an act of mass violence terrorism

Here we are, the day after yet another mass shooting in the US, this one at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during a naming ceremony for a child. A 46-year old named Robert Bowers sprayed bullets inside the faith centre, killing 11 and wounding 6, including 4 police officers who responded to the active shooter […]


When to call an act of mass violence terrorism

Here we are, the day after yet another mass shooting in the US, this one at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania during a naming ceremony for a child.  A 46-year old named Robert Bowers sprayed bullets inside the faith centre, killing 11 and wounding 6, including 4 police officers who responded to the active shooter […]