
Other Western Countries Think Terrorist Attacks Are More Likely, So Why Doesn’t Canada?

Terrorist threat levels go up and down in accordance with intelligence assessments: so why has Canada’s not moved in a decade?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

More foreign interference in Canada: the Iranian diaspora experience

Iran has engaged in nastiness for decades, including support for terrorist groups. What kind of influence does it exert on expats in Canada?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

What to do with the children of violent extremists?

What should we do with the children of violent extremists: should they be taken from their parents?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canada is underperforming badly on the global scene

Why has Canada abandoned its international reputation and commitments and what does it need to do to regain them?

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Writing the great Canadian spy novel, from a SIGINT perspective

Writing a good fiction should probably require some experience to inform a good plot. This is especially true for spy fiction.

Perspectives This week in terrorism

The Week in Terrorism: March 18-24, 2024

A very lethal week in terrorism, with the ISK attack in Moscow dominating the news. All deaths this week were at the hands of jihadis (RWE: 0)

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Is cryptanalysis all but dead?

Making and breaking codes is classic spycraft. Are the bad guys winning at this game and what are the implications for national security?

Quick Hits

The Moscow attack bears the signature of jihadis…so far

While it is always a good strategy to wait for more confirmation when it comes to terrorism, we can make initial assessments based on what we know.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

If Canada is a ‘post-national state’ is there room for national security?

How can your country protect itself from threats to its nation if your leader does not believe it is a nation?


How NOT to Win Friends and Influence People

What do we do with a UN refugee agency that appears to be in cahoots with a jihadi organisation?