On July 15, 1984 terrorists from the FMLN bombed a freight train El Salvador and shot 25 treasury police, killing 21.

On July 15, 1984 terrorists from the FMLN bombed a freight train El Salvador and shot 25 treasury police, killing 21.
On June 16, 2000 two men described as environmental activists and ‘anarchists’, bombed a Chevrolet dealership in Eugene, Oregon, destroying three pickup trucks
On this day in 1982 members of the Peruvian terrorist group Sendero Luminoso attacked a police station/penal institution in the city of Ayacucho, killing two officers
On this day in 1984 leftist terrorists belonging to the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front blew up two trains in El Salvador, killing 18 people
Some have warned that leftist environmental movements could turn to violent – is Extinction Rebellion next?
The leftist November 17 Revolutionary Organisation claimed the assassination of a Greek police officer in Athens in December 1976
In this episode, Phil discusses B.C. pipeline opponents facing U.S. terrorist charge over train track interference.
Environmental activists’ frustration at a lack of meaningful action could lead to ecoterrorism