What level of risk are we willing to take when it comes to releasing those convicted of terrorism and who may re-offend?

What level of risk are we willing to take when it comes to releasing those convicted of terrorism and who may re-offend?
On May 8, 2018 155 members of a possible ISIS-linked Indonesian terrorist group took over a prison, eventually killing five officers.
Life sentences for terrorism are appropriate. Why does the Canadian justice system fail to appreciate this very simple concept?
1 March @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Islamic State claimed that one of its ‘fighters’ was behind a prison riot in Tajikistan in which 27 were killed, including prison guards.
Rescue me, founded in 2011, is a non-profit organization established by two sisters as a means of crime prevention and countering violent extremism.
A recent report states that there are an unprecedented number of terrorists in European prisons. What threat do they pose? What should we do with them?
Lots of terrorist cases never go to trial or, when they do, terrorists are acquitted.
Perceived recidivism rates for incarcerated terrorists do not seem to be as high as most people believe but the situation is much more complicated than that.
We use the word terrorism frivolously to describe all kinds of people and groups. In this podcast, Phil Gurski explores why we really need to stop doing that.