
Murder by Neo-Fascists in Spain (May 9, 1976)

On this day in 1976, members of the fascist Warriors of Christ the King killed two members of the Carlist party in what became known as the Montejurra massacre.

Canadian Intelligence Eh! Podcast

Podcast 37 – Michael Petrou: Canadians who fought in the Spanish Civil War and the parallels with ISIS

My chat with Michael Petrou on Canadians who fought in the Spanish Civil War – were they ‘foreign fighters’ and did they pose a security threat back home?


March 11, 2004 | Train Bombings in Madrid

On this day in 2004, ten bombs placed on four trains detonated during the morning commute in Madrid, killing 191 and leaving and more than 1,600 wounded.


February 24, 1978 | Bombing in the Canary Islands

On this day in 1978, police explosives expert tried to disarm a bomb placed outside a bank in San Cristobal de la Laguna in Tenerife: he died from wounds sustained in the detonation.


January 20, 1980 | Bombing in Basque territory

‘He who lives by the sword dies by the sword’: this applies to terrorists too (and civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time).


Assassination of Spanish PM Juan Prim – December 28, 1870

The choice for today’s terrorist attack was a no-brainer: when was the last time you heard of a blunderbuss used to kill someone?


Assassination of Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco – December 20, 1973

On this day in 1973, a massive bomb buried under a Madrid street exploded as a car carrying Prime Minister Carrero Blanco detonated.