Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Canadian Intelligence Eh! podcast 148: What are the ins and outs of CVE?

Efforts are underway around the world, including in Canada, to try to get people off the path to violent extremism


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – September 19-25, 2022

Once again global terrorism was heavily by dominated – in fact 100% the work of – jihadis

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why wasn’t the Arab Spring the end to Islamist terrorism: a conversation with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

The Arab Spring was supposed to usher in an era of democracy for MENA and bleed support for Islamist terrorism. It didn’t. A chat with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross as to why not


Global Terrorism This Week – September 12-18, 2022

A summary of terrorism news from around the globe for the week of September 12-18; again dominated by jihadi violence (and not a SINGLE RWE attack anywhere)

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

How does language use affect intelligence analysis?

How far can security services go in monitoring activities in their country and how do governments view threats?

Quick Hits

Does Canada need a ‘terrorism’ offence?

A recent court case in which a young man pleaded guilty to murder in a 2020 attack raises the issue of why we need to have terrorism charges at all


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – September 5 – 11, 2022

Global Terrorism This Week for September 5 to 11 shows, once again, a heavily dominant jihadi threat.

Quick Hits

Islamist terrorism is a far bigger threat than ‘Islamophobia’

Claims that Islamophobia trumps Islamist terrorism in 2022 do not have a statistical leg to stand on.

Canadian Intelligence Eh!

Why is morale at Canada’s spy service in the dumps? A conversation with Andrew Kirsch

When a nation’s spy agency has a morale problem it can have widespread effects on national security: a conversation with a former Canadian intel officer.


Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 29 to September 4, 2022

Global Terrorism This Week (GTTW) – August 29 – September 4, 2022: Islamist terrorism reigns again!