How do academics and practitioners in countering terrorism get along and what are the challenges?

How do academics and practitioners in countering terrorism get along and what are the challenges?
Good intelligence from a variety of sources can help us understand events but it cannot eliminate deep-seated biases and distrust
A decision to collect intelligence from human sources abroad on security matters needs to be carefully thought out and not done flippantly
Supporting Palestine is one thing, supporting a terrorist group like Hamas is quite another…and unacceptable
Writing about terrorism cannot be easy given the inherent danger in going to conflict zones: so why does a Canadian journalist do it?
Intelligence agencies are expected to never make mistakes: why is this the only profession subject to such an impossible standard?
Nations cannot be permitted to send ‘hit squads’ to other nations to kill dissidents: is India part of this club?
We collect and receive intelligence on the condition that it be handled properly. What happens when someone ignores those rules?
People who put their lives at risk in Afghanistan to help our military in their operations abroad deserve our help: it is time for Canada to step up
Busy people need help understanding the torrent of information sent to them, including intelligence. That is where a national security advisor comes in.