Whistling past the graveyard when faced with bad news – like foreign spying on your soil – is seldom a good strategy

Whistling past the graveyard when faced with bad news – like foreign spying on your soil – is seldom a good strategy
Squeamishness over terms like Islamist or jihadi terrorism appears to have led some to ban the term from official documents – is this a good move?
The nexus between the national security world and that of fiction (movies and books) is an interesting one – what are the challenges?
Canada really needs to up its game when it comes to pushing back against foreign (read: China) interference in our affairs.
In what may seem like an anachronism, blasphemy accusations still can lead to death. Why do current blasphemy campaigns lie almost exclusively within Islamist extremists?
China’s targeting of Canadian federal opposition politicians shows the perils of neglecting intelligence
Do we threats ever really go away? If not, are we dealing with these in appropriate ways at the national security level?
The Johnston report on Chinese interference in Canadian elections was an egregious waste of time and energy and a cynical ploy by the Trudeau government
When it comes to terrorism, how much does the public deserve to know? More than you might think!
The Canadian government’s ignorance when it comes to the basics of intelligence gathering and analysis need to be addressed – stat!